If you don't want to watch Super Bowl XLVII at home, here are some good places in Berkeley to take in the action:
Bec's Bar and Bistro
Is there another bar or restaurant in Berkeley that would be particularly good to watch the San Francisco 49ers go helmet to helmet with the Baltimore Ravens on Sunday afternoon? Or perhaps a place that doesn't center around food and drink?
Business owners, if you're running specials for people who watch the game at your venues Sunday, please share details in the comments.
Tell us where else in or near Berkeley people should go to enjoy the game, shout at the top of their lungs with 100 other fans and absorb some great atmosphere.
Also, just for fun, the National Football League site has a section that ranks the past 46 Super Bowls from worst game to best game. Tell us what you think were the best and most boring Super Bowls.